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Shree Bhavnagar Panjrapole

The The Bhavnagar Panjarapole (BP) has been around for 275 years and one of the most prominent Panjrapole, considering the number of cattles it houses and its longivity.

BP is very effectively managed by dedicated trustees who have been contributing their time and money. These trustees make sure donated money is very effectively spent and there is no wastage anywhere.

Bhavnagar panjarapole is situated at Samadhiyala village, which is 28 Km away from Bhavnagar City in Gujarat. It manges 4000+ sick, aged and handicapped cattle. The daily expense is Rs. 1,50,000/-. Cattles are regularly fed with grass, Cattle feed, water and medicines if required.

We would like to invite you to visit BP. We assure you it would be wonderful and very memorable.

Be the voice for those who have no voice.

Our Appeal

Who can be the savior of those unfortunate animals who cannot speak and express their sufferings, their hunger, their pain or their needs? An answer to this is Bhavnagar Panjarapole and animal welfare activists. Bhavnagar Panjarapole has been facing severe financial constraints on account of ever-increasing expenses to serve and maintain ever-increasing animals.

We earnestly appeal kind hearted philanthropists for generous donations to support and supplement the noble cause of maintaining, saving, serving and sheltering unfortunate animals.

Our Mission

Save Animals

To save and preserve maximum animals who comes to the gate of Bhavnagar Panjarapole.

Feed Healthy Food

To feed maximum protein food to animals especially sick animals.

Advanced Hospital

To develop hospital facilities with advanced surgical equipment & medicine to treatment & cure for sick animals.

Modern Construction

Build modern shed to preserve and to give shelter to maximum animals and different types of division for each type of animals.

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